Anno 2020/2

Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale

Anno XXVI n. 2, 2020



Antonio Grande, Pensiero e pratiche della tecnica, pp. 9-15


Agostino Di Scipio, Che vuol dire "musica elettronica dal vivo?" Liveness e agentività nell'ecosistema performativo, pp. 19-51

Laura Zattra, The Use of Technology in Revolutionary Perspective. Computer Music Research in Luigi Nono's Prometeo. Tragedia dell'Ascolto (1984-85), pp. 53-90

Gabriele Cecchetti, Steffen A. Herff, Christoph Finkensiep, Martin A. Rohrmeier, The experience of musical structure as computation: what can we learn?, pp. 91-127

Jeffrey E. Boyd, Friedemann Sallis, Martin Ritter, A Computational Examination of Spectral Music, pp 129-160


Mario Baroni, Rossana Dalmonte, Bruno Maderna. La musica e la vita, (Alessandro Solbiati), pp. 163-166

Notizie sugli autori/Notes on contributors, pp. 167-171

Master Universitario di I Livello, pp. 173-176

Agostino Di Scipio - pag. 19-51

Che vuol dire "musica elettronica dal vivo?" Liveness e agentività nell'ecosistema performativo

Questo scritto propone uno sguardo transdisciplinare sulle pratiche performative profondamente tecnicizzate della musica elettronica dal vivo (live electronic music o live electronics, e pratiche limitrofe di arte sonora), di cui considera le forme, storicizzate e non, come ambito di prassi estetica massimamente rappresentativo delle condizioni odierne della liveness (il carattere “vivente” della performance). Si inizia con alcune coordinate terminologiche e storico-musicali, evidenziando spunti critico-teorici importanti e luoghi comuni problematici.

Abstract completo e PDF
Laura Zattra - pag. 53-90

The Use of Technology in Revolutionary Perspective. Computer Music Research in Luigi Nono’s Prometeo. Tragedia dell’Ascolto (1984–85)

The production of Prometeo. Tragedia dell’Ascolto (1984–1985) brought together musicians, soloists, a choir, a lyricist, an architect, an artist, and sound engineers working on computer generated sounds and live electronics, under the guidance and compositional writing of Luigi Nono. This article focuses on Nono’s collaboration with musical assistants Alvise Vidolin, Sylviane Sapir and Mauro Graziani from CSC (Centro di Sonologia Computazionale, University of Padova), who designed the real-time digital sound processor, called 4i system, used in Prometeo.

Abstract completo e PDF
Gabriele Cecchetti, Steffen A. Herff, Christoph Finkensiep, Martin A. Rohrmeier - pag. 91-127

The experience of musical structure as computation: what can we learn?

This paper presents an overview of the epistemological grounding of the computational approach to musical syntax as a tool to advance our understanding of the cognitive underpinnings of the musical experience. From the proposed perspective, formulations of music-theoretical and analytical thinking in formal terms can be read as hypotheses on the output of computational models at different levels of description. Computational models, in turn, make it possible to derive testable predictions on observable behaviours that are available for empirical investigation. The deep connection linking music-theoretical and computational thinking is illustrated with examples drawn from analytic accounts of tonal harmonic syntax.

Abstract completo e PDF
Jeffrey E. Boyd, Friedemann Sallis, Martin Ritter - pag. 129-160

A Computational Examination of Spectral Music

The goal of this paper is to examine part of a spectral composition in order to present methodologies that enable the examination of music, which would otherwise escape analytical scrutiny. To do this we combine the traditional scholarly methods of musicology and the scientific examination of acoustic data requiring the skills and techniques of computer science and mathematics. By combining the skills and the knowledge of the musicologist and the computer scientist, we hope to propose solutions to some of the issues that arise in the study of this type of music and to contribute to the burgeoning field of computational musicology.

Abstract completo e PDF