XVI International Conference of Theory and Musical Analysis

10-13 October 2019, ISSM “G. Lettimi”, Via Cairoli 44, Rimini (Italy) - CALL FOR PAPERS

The Italian Gruppo Analisi e Teoria Musicale (GATM) is pleased to announce the 16th International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis, to be held at the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “G. Lettimi” on 10-13 October, 2019. The conference is organized in cooperation with the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “G. Lettimi”, the Sagra Musicale Malatestiana, and the Municipality of Rimini.

Theme of the conference and Free papers

This year the conference intends to focus scholars’ attention on past and recent dichotomies that have profoundly marked music theory and analysis, often resulting into complex and multifaceted approaches to musical phenomena. The aim is to promote an in-depth examination on how perspectival dichotomies have been and are being articulated by performers, composers, teachers, theorists/analysts, historians, or any other musical operators. Contributions comparing, reconciling, or clashing different approaches with each other, as well as those intersecting music theory and analysis with other disciplines, are strongly encouraged.
Beyond the general theme, the conference welcomes free proposals on any topic related to music theory and analysis, with no distinction of musical genres, historical periods, and geographical areas.

Keynote Speakers

Nicolas Meeùs (SBAM and IReMus)

Marco Mangani (Università di Ferrara) e Daniele Sabaino (Università di Pavia)

Deadline and formats of the proposals

We invite scholars to submit a proposal (in Italian or English) no later than June 30, 2019, to this email address: segreteria@gatm.it

The following formats will be considered:

  • Individual or co-authored papers (20’ plus 10’ for discussion)
  • Lecture-recitals (20’ plus 15’ for performance and 10’ for discussion)
  • Pre-arranged sessions (from two to four papers, each of 20’ plus 10’ for discussion).

Guidelines for submissions

Each submission should consist of two distinct files:

File 1 (in .pdf) named LASTNAME_PROPOSAL_RIMINI2019 (please, use the same designation in the email subject line)

The file should include:

  1. Title of the proposal;

  2. Indication of the chosen subject (Conference theme or Free paper);

  3. A text of no more than 500 words, with five key-words and a maximum of eight bibliographical references. Examples, figures and tables (no more than two pages in all) may be optionally attached.

  4. Copy (in .pdf) of the performed piece (only for lecture-recitals).

Proposals for a pre-arranged session should be submitted by one proponent, who will attach as many distinct files (as above) as the authors are. Additionally, the proponent should attach a file containing the title of the session and a preliminary summary of no more than 250 words. Please, name this last file LASTNAME [i.e., of the proponent]_SUMMARY_RIMINI2019 and use the same designation in the email subject line.

Proposals must not include any reference to the author(s). It is also recommended to clearly state the topic, the methodological approach, and the main findings of the research.

File 2 (in .pdf) named LASTNAME_INFO_RIMINI2019.

This file should include:

  1. Full name of the author(s);

  2. Institutional affiliation (if any);

  3. Title of the proposal;

  4. E-mail address;

  5. Biographical note (max 150 words);

  6. Technical requirements.

Peer-review and Notification of the Outcome

Proposals will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Each proposal included in a pre-arranged session will be evaluated separately and the integrity of the session will be preserved exclusively if at least two proposals will be accepted. Were this not the case, the Program Committee may include only the accepted ones as individual papers.

The outcomes will be communicated by July 31, 2019.

By September 1, 2019, the accepted proponents should send an abstract (in .doc format) of no more than 300 words and with no examples, tables, and figures, to be published in the Conference Booklet.

After the Conference, the most interesting papers will be brought to the editorial board’s notice of the Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale and Analitica. Rivista Online di Studi Musicali.

Conference Fees


Early booking fee (by September, 1, 2019)

Standard booking fee (from 2 to 15 September, 2019)

GATM-member speaker

€ 20,00

€ 40,00

GATM-student member speaker

€ 10,00

€ 20,00

Non-member speaker

€ 40,00

€ 80,00

Student non-member speaker

€ 20,00

€ 40,00

GATM-member attendant



Non-member attendant

€ 40,00

€ 80,00

Non-member attendant fee may be also accepted upon registration, even though online payment is strongly preferred.

Registration will be opened from August 7, 2019.


For any further inquiries, please send an email to segreteria@gatm.it.

Organizing and Program Committee

Domenico Colaci, Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis, Catello Gallotti, Alessandro Maffei, Enrico Meyer, Egidio Pozzi, Giuseppe Sellari.

Scientific Committee

Anna Rita ADDESSI, Maria Teresa ARFINI, Loris AZZARONI, Mario BARONI, Erica BISESI, Anna Maria BORDIN, Edmond BUHARAJA, Mario CARROZZO, Kevin CLIFTON, Duilio D’ALFONSO, Josep Margarit DALMAU, Rossana DALMONTE, Brad DECKER, Marco DELLA SCIUCCA, Roberto DOATI, William DRABKIN, Franco FABBRI, Federico FAVALI, Paulo FERREIRA DE CASTRO, Miguel GIRONES CERVERA, Antonio GRANDE, Xavier HASCHER, Nathalie HÉROLD, Vasilis KALLIS, Ildar KHANNANOV, John KOSLOVSKI, Kerri KOTTA, Julia KURSELL, Andrea MALVANO, Marco MANGANI, Luca MARCONI, José Oliveira MARTINS, Nicolas MEEÙS, Mauro MASTROPASQUA, Stefano MENGOZZI, Antonello MERCURIO, Marina MEZZINA, Marco MOIRAGHI, Daniel Filipe Pinto MOREIRA, Alberto ODONE, Paulo PERFEITO, Massimo PRIVITERA, Marco RAPETTI, Carla REBORA, Alberto RIZZUTI, Giorgio RUBERTI, Daniele SABAINO, Friedmann SALLIS, Simonetta SARGENTI, Gesine SCHRÖDER, Carlo SERRA, Leopoldo SIANO, Marco STASSI, Gaetano STELLA, Maria Teresa STORINO, Paolo SULLO, Lauri SUURPÄÄ, Johanella TAFURI, Bianca ŢIPLEA TEMEŞ, Giovanni VACCA, Andrea VALLE, Bert VAN HERCK, Konstantin ZENKIN, Sławomira ZERANSKA-KOMINEK, Sanja Kiš ŽUVELA







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