XX International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis – Call for papers


The Italian Society for Music Theory and Analysis - GATM aps, in collaboration with the Conservatorio “G. Martucci” of Salerno, is organising the XX International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis. The conference will be held from 19 to 22 October 2023 at the Conservatorio “G. Martucci” in Salerno (Italy). Should the health situation make it necessary, mixed and/or online modes of participation will be activated.

Scholars are invited to submit proposals on topics pertaining to music theory and analysis. The Conference will be open to all musical genres, historical periods, and geographical areas. Proposals may be analytical, theoretical and/or empirical-experimental in nature.

Alongside the free-topic proposals, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Conference intends to advance a reflection on the historical path and on the future of the analytical disciplines. Accordingly, papers will be particularly welcome that address, with an eye to the future, themes and methodological approaches that have been prominent or, on the contrary, neglected in recent decades. At the same time, as the thread started in previous editions of the conference is hardly exhausted, proposals addressing the relationship between analysis and performance are encouraged. In particular:

a)  on the relationship between performative and structural parameters;

b)  on how performance contributes to the meaning of a piece;

c) on the relationship between analysis and the pre-linguistic and non-discursive aspects of performance.

The conference will also include two round tables: one gathering the musicological societies that founded the GATM in 1989, with the aim of reflecting on the history, role and perspectives of analytical research in Italy, and a second focusing on Artistic Research.

Lastly, three special events will be proposed:

  • a thematic session focusing on the study of female musicians, analysts, composers, and performers – an important initiative, after DM n. 752 30/06/2021, at a time when music analysis is still lagging behind the rest of the musicological world in terms of the inclusion of female scholars;
  • a session in memory of Azio Corghi;

  • the second edition of the Forum dei Licei Musicali on topics pertaining to analysis, theory, and performance.




Keynote speakers

The Conference will host keynote speeches by L. Poundie Burstein (CUNY), Yoel Greenberg (Bar-Ilan University), and Fred Lerdahl (Columbia University).

Participating Societies

AIMI (Associazione Informatica Musicale Italiana)
ESCOM Italy (European Society for the Cognitive Science of Music – Italy) SIdM (Società Italiana di Musicologia)
SIEM (Società Italiana di Educazione Musicale)

Key dates

31 May 2023: Deadline for the submission of proposals
10 July 2023: Registration for the Conference is open
3 August 2023: Deadline for submitting the Short Abstracts and, for Scholarship candidates only, the full papers

1 September 2023: Deadline for Early-Bird registration to the Conference (reduced fees)

Submission deadline


The deadline for submitting proposals is 31 May 2023.

Types of submission:

1. Individual or multi-authored papers (duration 20' plus 10' discussion)
2. Thematic Panel sessions (three to four papers, each lasting 20' plus 10' discussion);
3. Concert-analysis (20' paper, 20' recital, 10' discussion, for a total of 50 minutes duration).

Guidelines for drafting proposals can be found at this link.

Official languages of the conference

The official languages of the conference are Italian and English. Proposals may be submitted in either of the two official languages. In order to maximise the fruition of papers in the international context of the conference, speakers who choose to present their papers in Italian are kindly asked to prepare their slides in English.

Instructions for submitting proposals

Proposals must be sent via the Google Form


You will need to log in with your own gmail account, if you have one; if not, you can create one for the occasion ("Create an account"). For any requests on the submission of proposals feel free to reach out at convegnoannuale@gatm.it.

For each proposed paper, you should prepare:

  • -  An anonymous PDF document containing (1) the title of the proposal, (2) an abstract of 500-700 words, plus up to two pages of examples and figures where appropriate, (3) a bibliography of up to 5 titles, (4) 5 keywords.

  • -  A PDF document containing the name, affiliation, and a short CV (maximum 200 words) for each author involved in the proposal.



For a pre-organised Panel session, abstracts for each individual paper should be prepared in separate files, and submitting authors are also required to provide a presentation of the session as a whole (250 words).


For concert-analysis, a score or other representation of the piece, and a link (e.g. YouTube, WeTransfer, ...) to a video recording of one's own performance of the piece must also be provided.

The Conference with and for students

Students from Conservatoires and Universities are particularly encouraged to submit thesis topics and original research work, indicating their student status at the time of submission. Young scholars who attend the Conference to present their own paper may apply for one of the Scholarships made available by the Italian Society of Analysis and Music Theory - GATM (see regulations below).

Evaluation and communication of results

Proposals will undergo a double-blinded peer review. Each paper proposal included in a Thematic Session will be evaluated separately and the Session will be confirmed only if at least three of the proposals are accepted. Otherwise, the Scientific Committee may decide to welcome the accepted papers of the session as Individual Papers.

The results of the peer review will be communicated by 3 July 2023.

Abstract book

Authors of accepted proposals will be asked to submit by 3 August 2023 a Short Abstract of no more than 300 words (in .doc or .odt format) without examples, tables and figures, which will be published in the Conference Abstract Book. In order to maximise the fruition of the papers in the international context of the Conference, speakers who choose to present their paper in Italian are asked to also send an extended version of their abstract (500-700 words) in English. This will be made available as a digital attachment to the Conference Abstract Book.

Registration fees

Registration to the Conference will be open since 10 July 2023. Prospective participants will be able to register on the website https://www.gatm.it

NB: In the case of multi-authored proposals, registration will only be compulsory for those authors who will be attending the conference. Other co-authors may, if they wish, acquire membership to the Italian Society for Music Theory and Analysis - GATM in order to be involved in the association's activities.


Scholarship Regulations

Young scholars who are member of the Italian Society for Music Theory and Analysis – GATM (as of the date of submitting their application) and who are under 30 years of age on the starting date of the conference will be eligible for a scholarship, provided that they are selected for presenting a paper at the Conference (in the case of papers with more than one author, only one of them - identified as the main Speaker for the proposal - may apply for a Scholarship).

Interested scholars must apply for a Scholarship at the time of submitting their paper proposal, by filling in the dedicated section of the form. They will be asked to attach a document containing the following information:

a)  personal data (date of birth, etc.) and curriculum vitae, with an indication of the studies carried out and any publications produced, including participation in Conferences, Seminars and Concerts;

b)  current employment status (university contracts and grants, doctoral scholarships, teaching or substitute teaching at Conservatories or schools, etc.).

After the acceptance of their proposal, candidates will be asked to present the scientific content of their paper in a text of 2000-2500 words. This must be submitted by 3 August 2023 to the Scientific Committee of the Conference at the email address convegnoannuale@gatm.it.

The selection will be conducted by a special Committee appointed by the Italian Society of Analysis and Music Theory - GATM, based on the following criteria:

  • membership to the Italian Society for Music Theory and Analysis

  • scientific value of the submitted proposal and paper

  • age

  • studies; publications; participation in conferences, seminars, and other initiatives of theoretical-analytical relevance; qualifications

  • employment situation.


The outcome of the selection will be communicated by email to the candidates by 20 August 2023. A maximum of 3 scholarships worth €200 each will be awarded. The Scientific Committee may decide not to award one or more of the Scholarships.

Selected scholars must confirm their acceptance of the Scholarship and register to attend the Conference by the deadline for Early-Bird registration (1 September 2023). The Scholarships will be released after the participation in the Conference.


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